A létige

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1. A létige jelen idejű alakja: / Present tense form of verb „to be”:


(én) vagyok I am
(te) vagy you are
(ő + ön, maga) van he/she/it is + you, formal, singular are
(mi) vagyunk we are
(ti) vagytok you, plural are
(ők, önök, maguk) vannak they are + you, formal, plural are they are + you, formal, plural are


Példa / Example

1. Én Mária vagyok. (I am Mária.)

2. Te szabadságon vagy. (You are on holiday.)

3. Ő a bankban van. (He is in the bank.)

4. Mi a büfében vagyunk. (We are in the buffet.)

5. Ti amerikai diákok vagytok. (All of you are American students.)

6. Ők a bevásárló központban vannak. (They are in the shopping centre.)


 2. A létige múlt idejű alakja: / Past tense form of veb „to be”:

(én) voltam I was
(te) voltál you were
(ő + ön, maga) volt he/she/it was + you, formal, singular were
(mi) voltunk we were
(ti) voltatok you, plural were
(ők + önök, maguk) voltak they were + you, formal, plural were they were + you, formal, plural were


Példa / Example

1. Én a boltban voltam. (I was in the shop.)
2. Te otthon voltál. (You were at home.)
3. Ő az egyetemen volt. (He was at the university.)
4. Mi az irodában voltunk. (We were in the office.)
5. Ti a folyosón voltatok. (All of you were in the corridor.)
6. Ők együtt voltak a buliban. (They were together at the party.)


3. A létige jövő idejű alakja: / Future tense form of verb „to be”:


(én) leszek I will be
(te) leszel you will be
(ő + ön, maga) lesz he/she/it will be + you, formal, singular will be
(mi) leszünk we will be
(ti) lesztek you, plural will be
(ők + önök, maguk) lesznek they will be + you, formal, plural will be


Példa / Example

1. Holnap otthon leszek. (Tomorrow I will be at home.)

2. Hétfőn az uszodában leszel. (You will be in the swimming pool on Monday.)

3. Péter a hétvégén moziban lesz. (Peter will be in the cinema at the weekend.)

4. Kedden a kávézóban leszünk. (We will be in the café on Tuesday.)

5. Nyáron Angliában lesztek. (All of you will be in England in summer.)

6. A diákok szemináriumon lesznek. (The students will be in the seminar.)

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